Saturday, December 29, 2012

She's here!!

Born December 22, 2012 at 7:35 AM, 6 lb 14.5 oz, 18.5 inches long.

Had my first contraction last night at 7:00, they were 7-11 mins apart and then went to 5. We went shopping to finish getting our Christmas stuff and they kept coming, but I didn't want to say anything to DH until I was certain they were painful and 5-6 mins apart. I eventually told him and that if they kept up then we'd probably want to call his parents to come get Samson, this was around 7:50. We went home and started getting the last minute stuff around and called his parents to give them the heads up to come get him when they could. I took a shower and they slowed from 4 mins to 6-7 and I started getting nervous that it was a false alarm. I bounced on my ball for about 20 minutes until my ILs got there and took Samson. We decided to head to the hospital and I called my mom on the way to let them know what was going on. The drive there the contractions were painful, but not really bad, and they were 3-4 mins apart. 

Got to triage at 9:45 and contractions were nothing more than BH, but 3 mins apart and I had only dilated to 4 (was 3 1/2 at my appt on Monday). They started my IV and antibiotics since I was GBS+ just in case they kept me. The contractions started to become farther apart and irregular and I was getting really bummed, but after a 20 min walk, they were more painful and 2-3 mins apart. I only dilated to 5 after 2 hours and was slightly more effaced, I was still admitted around 12-12:30, can't remember. 

My doctor came in (he was technically on vacation, but had postponed his travel plans so he could be there!) I was at 5 1/2 and +1 station. DH slept for about an hour and when he woke up and we went walking for a while, and was checked again at 3 or so, only to a 6. That was when I asked for the epi, which I finally got at 4, and DH started to feel faint. He laid on the couch while they finished up the epi and he passed out for almost 3 hours straight, *sigh* 

My epi, while it made the pain go away, made my face incredibly itchy, and all the hormones, exhaustion and not realizing I was cold, caused me to shiver uncontrollably for the next 4-5 hours. I really did not feel well and hardly slept, but I couldn't keep my eyes open or focus on anything, it was like I wasn't in control of my body, just completely out of it. 

My dr came in at 5:00 and said my contractions had all but stopped from the epi and suggested breaking my water and ordering pitocin if they didn't pick back up by 6:00. I agreed, actually, I think my exact words were "whateva you gotta do", I felt drunk, haha. Contractions still didn't pick up much and pit was started shortly after 6:00 very low dosage of 2. By 6:30 or so, I was 9 cm and my doctor thought I'd be ready to push by 7:00, this was when DH finally woke up and I had to update him with everything he missed. They checked me at 7:00 and I was still at 9, checked again because I started feeling pain and the need to push at 7:25. Declared complete and immediately started pushing, after pushing through 3 contractions, 3 pushes each contraction, my doctor thought it was going to happen soon and started getting dressed and bringing in the nursery nurses. By 7:30 they could see her head, and about 8-10 pushes later, she was born at 7:35. 

I had no tears and because of that and only pushing 10 mins, my recovery has been amazing compared to Samson (pushed for 1 1/2 hours, had two 2nd degree tears and one 3rd degree). She's absolutely beautiful and we are so in love. 

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! I loved finally reading your whole birth story! :-)
