Friday, April 27, 2012

5 weeks update

Not too much to report as of now, but I thought I could start doing a little questionnaire every few weeks. I think I decided to do this today because according to my O due date, I'm 5 weeks 1 day, which was exactly when I started bleeding with my September baby. I can't wait to be past today and into next week where I'll know what my betas are. In January, I never got above 430, I'm so hoping I'll be 3-4,000 by Monday morning. Please be thinking of me and my H this weekend, it's gonna be a long one!

How far along? 5 weeks 3 (1) days

Weight gain/loss: No weight gain

Feeling: Normal, just somewhat tired a lot of the time.

Maternity clothes? Not yet! Just wearing my regular jeans and shirts, expect I change into my comfy pants as soon as I get home, ahhhhhhhhh, much better!

Sleep: Just fine, sleeping as well as I usually do.

Food cravings: Nothing really, although lately, desserts and things don't sound good. Pasta, cheeseburgers, pizza, soups and pretty much any other real food, sounds great!

Movement? Waaaayyyy too early, maybe in 8-10 weeks!

What I miss? Mixed drinks, and caffeine. I know, I know, I can have caffeine while pregnant, but it's something I choose not to have.

Best moment this week: Hmm, not sure, the whole week was pretty good.

What I'm looking forward to: My beta on Monday!! I should hear back around 11 that morning (since I'll go in first thing)

Next Appointment: Not sure about an actual appt yet, I should know after my betas next week.

Milestones: Making through today (so far so good).

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

There are no words...

that can fully express how happy I am. We very excitedly got a BFP on Sunday, the 15th from our first cycle TTCAL and c/p.

I tested on my birthday (the 13th!) and it was a BFN, but I didn't expect it to be positive, I just wanted to feel comfortable drinking. I told myself I wouldn't test again until Monday when I'd be about 12 DPO and would be the 1st day of my period. HA. I tested at about 7:30 AM on the 14th BFN, so I went about my business and started making chili for lunch. For some reason I tested again at about 10 and at about 2 mins past the time frame, a line came up. This was the theme of the day as every single test came back with the same line.

I tried to keep my excitement to a minimum and slept horribly that night. I woke up around 2:30 and couldn't get back to sleep so I decided to test. Sure enough, a line and another and another, I just sat in disbelief as I watched the lines develop. I finally got back to bed around 3:15 and was looking up my potential due dates (according to LMP and according to O day), when Seth woke up and asked me what in the heck I was doing on my phone at 3:15 in the morning. I shrunk down, somewhat embarrassed and just said, "I'm pregnant". He didn't say a word, just grabbed me and hugged me, I savored every second of that embrace.

For the next half hour or so we laid there and talked about the baby and how crazy Christmas will be and all the things you talk about in the innocence of the excitement of pregnancy without a care in the world. We talked about the future the way we did when I was pregnant with Samson and for the first 5 weeks of our 2nd pregnancy. It was so nice to be able to think about the future and for once not have any worry, just have pure joy and excitement. I pray to God all day, every day that we're able to keep that innocence and excitement.

Of course ever since that early morning talk I've been a worry wart and think about every twinge and cramp. But this pregnancy just seems different, I feel like we will have a December baby and all will be right in the world. Although I'm nervous, this time around my excitement far exceeds my worry, I'm in love with this baby and I can't wait to meet our sweet baby.

My EDD based off my LMP, which my doctor will go by, unless my early u/s shows the dates are significantly off, is Christmas day. I go in for my first beta on the 30th and will hopefully have an u/s that same week.