Tuesday, June 12, 2012

12 Week Update!

Holy crap, 12 weeks!! This is my last week in 1st tri and I'm feeling great! Samson has been sick the past week, so I've been stressed out and not sleeping as well, but other than that I forget I'm pregnant sometimes. I also had food poisoning last week, that was just lovely :(
My "bump" at 7 weeks
And again at 11 1/2 weeks!

Here's my 12 week survey!
How far along? 12 weeks!

Weight gain/loss: Down 8 lbs

Feeling: Pretty good most of the time, some nausea here or there.  

Maternity clothes? Just the pants, I have a couple pairs of shorts I'm able to make work which have been great since it's been so hot here recently.

Sleep: Fairly normal, I go to bed around 9-9:30 and usually sleep pretty well.

Food cravings: Nothing really, probably just breakfast food stuff.

Movement? I *might* have felt it a couple times last Friday. I was using the doppler and I can hear the little kicks through it, and I could feel tiny little flutters that lined up with the sounds on the doppler, it was pretty cute.

What I miss? Alcohol.

Best moment this week: Getting congratulations since we told more family this past week.

What I'm looking forward to: My appt tomorrow! I'll find out which DD my doctor is going with (either the 25th or 27th) and I'm really really hoping I'll get to schedule my anatomy scan! Hopefully only 6-8 weeks away!!

Next Appointment: Tomorrow!

Milestones: Reaching 12 weeks!!

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