Saturday, November 24, 2012

35 weeks...31 days!

**No picture again this week, I'll try to take one tomorrow and add it in**

How far along? 35 weeks 4 days

Weight gain/loss: Still 10-12 lbs!!

Feeling: Well I caught a cold, so kinda crappy, but my back & hips haven't been hurting as much, so that's been awesome. Before getting the cold, I was feeling pretty darn good!

Maternity clothes?: Same, same, same.

Sleep: Okay, just okay.

Food cravings: Nothing really, everything sounds good almost all the time.

Movement?: About the same as last week, she's getting so big in there so I'm surprised she's still moving so much. Last night she was moving A LOT and would go back and forth between punching my bladder and rearranging my intestines. So I'd go from "I have to pee!" to "I have to poop!" I was glad when she fell back asleep. 

What I miss?: Nothing really

Best moment this week: Thanksgiving and Black Friday! The food on Thursday was delicious and I didn't even eat too much, so I think my weight should still be pretty good. And yesterday, my MIL & FIL took Samson for the day so I was able to go shopping about an hour away with my Mom all day. It was so nice getting away and not having to worry about him getting restless or throwing a fit in the store, I'm sure that's one of the last times I'll get to go shopping without any kids in a while! I bought an adorable Precious Moments doll for Sydney's shelf at an antique store, she's just perfect in there. And I finished my Christmas list except one person, but they'll be super easy. Anyway, it was a really good day.

What I'm looking forward to: My appt on Tuesday!!! I have my first internal, and even though I know they don't really tell you anything, I'm still very anxious to see if I'm dilated at all.  

Milestones: Not really any milestones, but my due date is one month from tomorrow!!

Friday, November 16, 2012

34 Weeks

How far along? 34 weeks 3 days

Weight gain/loss: Still 10-12 lbs

Feeling: Worse, I have almost constant upper back pain, and now my hips have started to hurt during the day instead of just at night. BHs have started up again, even though I've been drinking quite a bit of water, I get probably 6-8 a day.

Maternity clothes?: Same, same, same.

Sleep: Okay, just okay.

Food cravings: I would have pizza all the time if it were okay.

Movement?: Picked up a LOT in the last week, she's definitely running out of room and so I feel every little thing she does. I've started to be able to chase her little feet around, I love it so much. 

What I miss?: Being pain free.

Best moment this week: TODAY! It's my sweet little boy's 2nd birthday! I can't believe two years ago right now, they were starting the Pit, by 1:00 pm I was fully dilated and he was born at 3:29 weighing 7lbs 13 1/4oz, 20 1/2 inches long. The sweetest thing I'd ever laid eyes on.

What I'm looking forward to: Next week, Samson's 2 year check up is Monday and I plan to ask the doctor about his asthma symptoms and fact that he gets colds every 2-3 months. Then I have my dress fitting on Tuesday for my brothers wedding, it's just over 2 weeks away!! Once the wedding is over, I'll be hoping for labor, I'm *SO* close and I can't. effing. wait. 

Milestones: 34 weeks, usually babies born early, but after 34 weeks are preterm and not premature, so they don't have many if any complications.

So yea, here's my little boy.

 2 days old

1 year old 

2 years old

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

33 weeks!

32 weeks 3 days

How far along? 33 weeks 1 day

Weight gain/loss: About 10-12 lbs

Feeling: Pretty good actually, which is surprising. My hips hurt more, and I pee a lot, but other than that, not horrid.

Maternity clothes?: Same, same, same.

Sleep: Better, I only wake up a couple times at night, and the insomnia has gone away for now.

Food cravings: Nothing really, it changes from day to day, I really enjoy candy almost all the time.

Movement?: Slowed, she's definitely running out of room, it's mostly just sliding of body parts and jabbing of feet like she's trying to make more room. 

What I miss?: Nothing!

Best moment this week:  I'm not really sure, I guess getting to 33 weeks, that just seems so far. I only have 4 weeks until I'm full term and 1 week until I get to pack my hospital bags. I can't wait for 37 weeks to hit and start the eviction process.

What I'm looking forward to: My apt on Tuesday, it's not anything special, but it's my last every 2 week appointment. I go at 34 weeks, then 36 weeks and then it's every week! AHH!! Also, I have my first internal at 36 weeks, I know they don't *really* tell you anything, but I'm still excited to see where I'm at.

Milestones: 33 weeks!! HOLY HELL.